energetic art

Threads of Connection #21


I never met my grandfather, but he was a tailor and I am the only one of later generations to work with my hands and fabrics. By placing his letters written as a young soldier during WW1 “in conversation” with my fabrics (fabric remnants, threads or fabrics/materials I've found or used) on this intimate scale, I hope to capture something about the connection of hands, hearts and DNA.  We all are in conversation with our past and have lineage stories that run through our lives, whether we are actively conscious of it or not. Creating this has also generated the question of whether this is a way to “heal backwards in time?” Mixed media 10" x 10"   $295

Take Me Out of the Blue, and Beyond


Part of the Message in a Bottle series. 30" x 30" Mixed media on wood panel, incorporating acrylic, graphite, and parts of letters written by a young solder to his wife during WWI.  The man was my grandfather (whom I never met). In most letters, he implored my grandmother to write more. This sub-series was inspired by a phrase in one of these letters. The hunger for connection is universal, whether as a soldier in war, during a global pandemic or simply, under the stresses of everyday life. In the work, I try to convey the blue of our longing as well as the sunny joy of possibilities for re-connection and renewal. $1195

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