art with meaning

Take Me Out of the Blue, If You Can


Part of the Message in a Bottle series, which explores the themes of connection, isolation and healing as inspired by 100 letters written in 1918-1919 by a grandfather I never met. (see below) 13" x 13" framed Mixed media on wood panel, incorporating acrylic, graphite, and fragments of letters in which my grandfather repeatedly implored his wife - my grandmother - to write more.  War is a misery shattered into a million pieces -- that's the truth that radiates out from these letters. I was particularly struck by the poetry and vulnerability of this line, "a letter from you would take out of me the blue." A soldier's hunger for connection was poignant. It's also a reminder that the sense of isolation and absence of connection can befalls us at any time, such as during a pandemic or under the stresses of everyday life. $395 with frame.

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