
First Sunday Open Studios @ Art Bias (First Sunday of Every Month)

Join the artists at Art Bias in San Carlos for some rockin' art and music the first Sunday of every month. I won't be there Nov 6. 12 pm - 4 pm First Sunday of the Month Music, Free Community Art and Artisanal Experiences, and Pop-up Vendors (always wine!). ART BIAS 1700 Industrial Rd, San Carlos, CA  

By |2022-09-23T13:45:37-07:00September 23rd, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on First Sunday Open Studios @ Art Bias (First Sunday of Every Month)

Message in a Bottle

We don't think that often about the ancestors we've never met, unless they were somehow heroic, victimized, or had a story that was captured in the news or became family lore. We just didn't know them. In my Message in a Bottle series, I'm exploring connections across people, generations, time and memories using the metaphor of what's been captured and held and shaken and stirred in that bottle of a life and a family - and what comes forth as memories, feelings and ways of being. This started after my father passed away last year and I began incorporating fragments of the thousands of letters/postcards he wrote to me, plus fragments of letters he wrote to his mother, plus those his father (whom I never met) to his mother as a soldier in WWII. This is an ongoing exploration. We'll see where it goes but already it's led to laughter, tears and a sense of connection -- even to those I never met and those who came  before them. If you're interested in exploring this idea with fragments from your own family or relationships, reach out. Let's talk about whether I might dream up something for you! Perhaps a message is waiting.

By |2021-09-20T12:33:21-07:00March 24th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Message in a Bottle

Gifts of the Pandemic

I don't mean to dismiss the hardships that are being faced. At all. I want to acknowledge them. But I also want to give a shout out to all the creatives who have kept on keeping on during this difficult season, despite the loss of venues and forums and audiences and clients and income. It's been so inspiring to hear how others rise above to continue their craft or emerge stronger or find inspiration to create and express themselves. For me, it comes down to beauty. If I can create something beautiful from the soul, then perhaps that beauty can travel to its rightful destination - the heart and soul of another human who is touched, or moved, or excited or soothed. Without our usual physical connection, art can help us still have a deep and meaningful rapport. One that binds us together through our mutual humanity. "Seeking Connection" 10" x 10" Acrylic on Canvas  

By |2021-09-20T12:33:42-07:00February 12th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gifts of the Pandemic

Shouldering On

Art is physical. And so is life. I felt this so intensely this last 6 months during which I dealt with a shoulder injury, surgery and recovery. I tore my bicep tendon and the sheath that (should) holds into pace. My shoulder. My right arm. My painting, ironing, steaming, art, well...life...arm. Now that I'm coming out the other side I am so grateful for the ability of the body to heal. For the friends and family and village of support. I'm getting ready to come back out and who knows what new ideas will prosper and what paths will be followed. I do know that it's time to get back on the bus. I mean it showed up at my house, so who's to argue?

By |2019-07-26T11:42:47-07:00July 26th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shouldering On

Just Another Day at the de Young Museum

All weekend I said to customers, "welcome to my boutique at the de Young Museum." Yes, it was a bit glib...but a bit true.  I'm proud to say that my work caught the attention of the de Young Museum curators of the Annual Artwear event and I was invited to share my work along with a hand-selected group of 18 designers of textiles and jewelry from the Bay Area.  The museum store's prestigious event has been going strong for 10 years. One of SF's main fine arts museum, the de Young has quite an amazing history (a woman was behind it all) and a beautiful current life. It celebrates the finest of art...and is one of the few museums to also hold textiles in high esteem. My image was also selected as the promotional image for the entire event. What a delight!

By |2018-07-26T14:13:43-07:00July 26th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Just Another Day at the de Young Museum

Fashion as a Feel-Good Feel-ing

For any artwork to be successful, it has to be created with intent. This includes art in the form of fashion.   For me, it’s the creative intent to bring ‘feeling’ to the entire life of the garment. This begins at the first brushstroke and ends only when a woman is radiating with delight and an extra kick in her step. These include my feelings that are infused into the garments as I create them…. The desire to create beauty, which is inherent in each brushstroke. The delight as unique colors meld together on the silk. The thrill seeing new life and purpose given to each piece of art when transformed into a unique piece of clothing or versatile wrap.   And more importantly, the...  feelings a woman experiences -- beauty, radiance, individuality, sensuality - when wrapped in my fashion-art. I say, feel your fashion!

By |2018-03-09T14:00:32-08:00March 6th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fashion as a Feel-Good Feel-ing

Re-Solutions…It’s a Verb

Ever think about the word 'resolution'? We tend to see it as a promise to ourselves. A commitment. An intention. But if you actually break down the word, you get 're' - 'solution' That means there's another way to do something.  That's a verb. Wow, what a breakthrough! Each year (or each day or each moment) we can pause and ask ourselves what can I do differently this time around the sun? Shall I wear my sunglasses? Or how can I use my imagination to conquer an old obstacle or re-think a tired plan or experiment with a fresh mindset? The above painting has been hanging on the wall of a healing clinic this last year, hopefully sparking that same 'I can turn the key just a little more gently and open the door" attitude in people from all walks of life. Here are two re-solutioning lessons I learned in 2017 that I'd like to take with me into the new year. Just saying YES, I'll at least TRY. You never know where it might lead you. Like my life as an artist/designer. Never in a million years... And, this last year I said yes to two mighty large new things that propelled me way out of my comfort zone. They also launched me way into the next chapter with some brand spanking new possibilities. That said, there are some small yes's which paid off too. Working independently on a budget doesn't mean not paying for the right resources. Keep learning this one over and over. Sometimes the best resources now save time and money later. A lot of it. What about you? What might you approach with a different eye or mindset?   SaveSave

By |2017-12-29T17:36:12-08:00December 29th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Re-Solutions…It’s a Verb

The Holly Daze

Already hearing the Christmas elves? The songs are starting to play in my head, as is the consumerism behind it. As a designer and someone who is bound by the flow of the market, it's tough not to get caught by the daze of holly and holly's friends. If it gets to be too much too soon, opt to pause for a moment of beauty, a galvanizing conversation with an old friend, or a walk in nature. Never too much of that to go around.

By |2017-10-26T12:22:29-07:00October 26th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Holly Daze


Glamorous - right? That's what we think of when someone says 'photoshoot'. Well, I'm here to tell you. It's not. When talented people come together to make something beautiful, or edgy, or artful, or whatever...it's ultimately a commercial enterprise. Long hours. Somethings (many things, actually) go wrong. And you don't always get what you want. Time is not on your side! But still, there are moments when you get more than you want. Way more.  

By |2017-08-31T09:42:14-07:00August 31st, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Photo SHOOT

The “C” Word – Collaboration

The world is catching on. Collaboration may be the ticket to competitive advantage. You see it in business more and more often. It's been done for a long time in the arts - fashion designers collaborating with artists, photographers etc. It's happening in technology too. Each side leverages the strength of the other to create something greater than the whole. That's what I do when partnering -- err collaborating -- as well. For me, my textile designs offer potential partners a leg up --they get a very distinctive look and feel. I'm the only one in the world creating designs that look like...well..my designs.  You'll soon see the results of my first official collaboration with another designer. We're creating the 'Human' collection - a capsule collection of garments made by Rachel Riot from fabrics I've painted by hand. Why Human? More on that later.

By |2017-04-01T15:25:23-07:00April 1st, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The “C” Word – Collaboration
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