Message in a Bottle Series

My father was a letter writer.  It appears he came by his letter-writing naturally, something I learned upon discovery of a box containing a hundred letters from his father to my grandmother.  These letters were penned on delicate papers used by the U.S. Expeditionary Forces during WW1 when my grandfather was a soldier. He eventually died young, at 46 years old, so we never met.

I began incorporating fragments of these family letters into my mixed media work.  One day I noticed a bottle shape appear on a painting, without any intent on my part. Serendipitously, my father’s handwriting seemed to pop out right where a bottle’s label might ordinarily be. I felt goose bumps, followed by the thought, “it’s like a message from my dad through time and space.”

And then I thought, “Oh!  It’s a message in a bottle!”

And so began a series in which the bottle image serves as a visual metaphor – a container to store, transport and deliver hidden messages and ideas. This journey of discovery and connection – both artistic and personal— has been surprising, poignant and fun. My passion for beauty is taking a deeply personal form in which I explore questions around one’s identity and lineage, as well as themes of isolation, connection, love and healing that are recurrent in my father’s and grandfather’s letters. I try to work spontaneously, with gestural strokes and marks, and my usual love of color. Each piece has many layers of acrylic, graphite, crayon, my own hand-painted fabrics, paper, and found objects, along with family letters, postcards and photos.


— ellen brook